
If this is your first time here, chances are you are a new student in my class. Welcome. Let’s get started.

First, we have a few housekeeping items to address:

qtq80-98D6eKYou’ll need to write an introduction letter telling me about yourself. It will serve two purposes. First, I will get to know you a little better by reading what you have to say. Secondly, I will be gathering a baseline assessment of your ability to write. I will be looking for spelling, grammar, sentence structure, word choice, organization and such, so do your best. Use the lined paper provided, and write a full page.

If you’ve been here before, that’s OK. Still complete this and all other assignments. In addition, you will need to fill out a Re-entry Packet. Please ask, if you do not have one.

Next, please fill out our exit survey as completely as possible. You should have received a hard copy in your new student folder. If not, please raise your hand to ask for one. This applies to all students, both new and returning.

In addition, you have been issued an Education Career Action Plan (ECAP) folder. Fill out as much information as you can in your folder, and be prepared to enter the information in a digital ECAP account you will be assigned shortly. If you’ve been here before, your previous ECAP account should be intact. You’ll want to update your goals accordingly.

Finally, you will need to take the Transition Assessment online. Your teacher will issue you a student ID number. Your password is your birth date with no dashes. Do your best. Don’t worry if some of the questions seem unfamiliar. You will be given a post test in a few weeks to see how much you have improved.

Now, take a deep breath. You’ve got this.