Here is where you can learn about the curriculum taught in Fundamentals of English, otherwise known as Skills Class.
Curriculum is a big word that stated more simply refers to what will be taught during the school year. The average stay of students at this time is about three weeks. With this in mind, educators have developed a plan to hit as many of the main points as possible in Skills classes during three-week cycles, which repeat with more in-depth information for those who remain for six weeks, while not leaving anything out for newcomers.
The challenge, as you might imagine, comes when students come in the middle of a cycle and possibly begin with the in-depth lessons and then repeat them at the introductory level. Please be patient. Remember, this was all one new to you, and is likely brand new to someone today.
To make things new again, we also cycle through themes. You’ll learn about narrative, argumentative, persuasive and expository writing through the following lenses:
Creators and Creations
Overcoming Adversity
Reflecting Back
Standing up for Something
Besides, repetition helps. Before long, you’ll be an expert ready to take on the world and move to the front of the class.